Derby Success Graduation


Oh my goodness… you did it!

You have officially completed the Derby Success Course! WOW~~

You are absolutely ahhh-mazing!


Be proud of the changes you’ve made. Making change is seriously hard work. Pat yourself on the back.

Download & print your Certificate of Completion. Fill it out and take a photo of you with it. Post it to the Derby Success Facebook group (and everywhere else).

Take some time to reflect on all you’ve learned by reviewing your Derby Success Checklist and see what is different. What has changed over the last 5 weeks?

What is YOUR Derby Success Score? Do you think your score has changed? Take the test again and find out!

The Derby Success facebook group will always be there for you to interact with and to inspire you to continue growing your derby habits to build towards success. Hope you see you there!

Watch for future emails from My BoutBook with info about other courses we will offering.

Celebrate! Seriously – You deserve it!


P.S. – Which Derby Success Tip made the biggest impact for you? Tell us what you think by completing our Derby Success Feedback survey. We really want to know what you think.
Tell us what you think with the Derby Success Feedback Survey